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Nancy Olah – Helping other members is the essence of being a CREW member

Crew Charlotte Announces 2015 Board Of Directors – Jennifer Yoxtheimer Named President

CREW Charlotte, a diverse group of professional women and men engaged in commercial real estate and related service industries, is pleased to announce its Board of Directors for 2015.

Several of the board members have been promoted from committees and other leadership positions, while Jennifer Yoxtheimer, who previously served as one of the Chapter’s National Delegates, will take on the role of President for the 2015 year. 

To read the full press release, please click here.

ai Design Group Becomes Member Of One Global Design Network

Charlotte-based ai Design Group, an architecture and interior design firm, has become a member of ONE Global Design, an international network of architectural and interior design firms. ai Design Group joins 16 other independently owned and operated corporate architectural and interiors firms across the United States, Canada, and Mexico, each considered best in class in their markets. 

To read the full press release, please click here.

2015 Outlook for Charlotte Metro and the Carolinas with Frank Warren of Kimley-Horn

Frank Warren, CRE, is a Senior Economist with Kimley-Horn and Associates. With over 25 years of real estate market research, appraisal, and development experience, Frank brings a uniquely comprehensive perspective to consulting assignments. Developer and investor clients rely on his insight to determine demand for commercial and residential projects, and to recommend specific concepts to maximize marketability and value. Frank also works on a wide variety of comprehensive planning and economic development assignments for local governments.

Charlotte’s New Normal? How shifting location preferences and infrastructure investments are driving new development patterns. Frank began his presentation by discussing all the changes that have shaped the City of Charlotte since 1964 including four interstate highways, two airport terminals, three UNC-C campuses, three baseball stadiums, three basketball arenas, the return of rail transit, and the dissolution and rebirth of Center City. Recent job growth in the Charlotte MSA (metropolitan statistical area) was heavily focused in Mecklenburg County, further enhancing it as the employment center of the region. Although, suburban job growth, primarily focused in York and Lancaster counties, has been facilitated through affordable land, state incentives, and business-friendly tax rates.

Demographic shifts are impacting location choices that households and employers are making. Nationally, household formation has dropped dramatically from a peak of two million new households per year to a trough of 500,000 during and following the Recession. The region’s renter household growth has been strongly focused in Mecklenburg County, representing not only organic growth but also pent-up renter demand. Millennials, born between 1980 and 2000, will continue to shape real estate. They generally value experiences over possessions, drive less, are always connected, and are increasingly diverse. They also face challenges like student debt, jobs, and incomes.

These employment and demographic shifts have impacted the real estate market throughout the region. Apartment growth has been heavily concentrated in a few submarkets in Mecklenburg County, primarily urban or with access to retail or transit opportunities. Similarly, office and retail vacancy rates and rent growth trends are strongest in urban locations. Development of new office space will likely emerge along the south corridor light rail line in the next five years. Older product in Midtown, Cotswold, Park Road, and Southpark will start to redevelop.

Key Takeaways:

  • Divided Economy . Growth is accelerating in states and metropolitan areas with educated workforces and at least 18-hour urban cores; the balance of the country is trying to remain relevant.
  • Mixed-Use Success . Demographic patterns, lifestyle preferences, and a focus on sustainability will continue to make mixed-use developments attractive.
  • Suburban Redux . With downtown urban areas thriving, suburbs are the next great opportunity.

Kevan Smith

Southeastern Construction & Development

Thanks to Holly Alexander for connecting us with SEN Design for the interior upfit of their new office in the Design Center in South End.

2014 Excellence Awards

CREW Charlotte celebrated an exciting year at the final luncheon of the year. We spent the afternoon recapping the successes of 2014 and honoring our members. Six members were presented awards for their outstanding contributions. The awards spanned from “Member of the Year” to “Networker of the Year” to “Deal of the Year.” The afternoon’s highlights are as follows:

· Rising Star Award: Emily Buehrer with BLOC Design received the Rising Star award for her extraordinary contributions through her involvement in the Communications Committee and advancement of CREW’s social media presence since becoming a member in March.

· Member of the Year: Whitney Bauman, Marketing and Business Development Manager with MSS Solutions, was honored as Member of the Year, an award that recognizes a CREW member who has made an outstanding contribution to the chapter in 2014. Whitney was an active participant on the Programs Committee and co-chaired the Queen City in Pink Committee. Through her efforts, CREW Charlotte’s Queen City in Pink campaign had a record year with over 275 participating buildings.

· Networker of the Year Award: This award was presented to Carrie Sharp, Sales Partner at Indoff Commercial Interiors, for her demonstrated efforts as a master networker actively sending referrals and business to other CREW members.

· Outreach Award:: Past CREW Charlotte President, Margaret Martin, CFO, MECA Realty received the Outreach award due to her service and promotion of the success of women in commercial real estate.

· Deal of the Year:This award recognizes a CREW Charlotte member who spearheaded a commercial real estate transaction including multiple CREW members and best exemplifies the capability to handle a commercial real estate deal from start to finish. The award was presented to Cristy Nine, Vice President and transaction manager of CRESA, for completing the US Synergetic corporate headquarters relocation project in Fort Mill. Under an exceptionally tight deadline, the project team, which involved eight CREW member companies, delivered.

· President’s Choice Award: This CREW member or company made contributions throughout the year that were vital to the ongoing success of the chapter. It was presented to Wanda Townsend with Johnston Allison & Hord. Both Wanda and Johnston Allison & Hord have provided long-running contributions, and have been instrumental in the success of CREW Charlotte.

Monica Able

Bank of North Carolina

Thank you to Nancy Olah of Nancy Olah Law for a recent referral that resulted in business for Bank of North Carolina.

Dawn Royle

Master Title Agency

A very big thank you to Holly Alexander with CREW Gold Sponsor New South Properties of the Carolina's for her recent referral. We appreciate the opportunity to provide title insurance for your client!

Lack of Available Space in the Charlotte Metro Area

Who you missed: Ronnie L. Bryant, CEcD, FM, HLM is President & CEO of the Charlotte Regional Partnership. Mr. Bryant leads the team that promotes the 16-county Charlotte USA region throughout the world as a premier location for businesses considering expansion or relocation. Mr. Bryant has more than 20 years of technical, managerial and economic development expertise, and a proven track record of establishing and implementing successful economic development programs. He specializes in existing industry expansion and retention, with a strong emphasis on regionalism and marketing

What you missed: Evolution of Economic Development in Charlotte: Mr. Bryant discussed three key elements that need to be on everyone’s radar screen as we consider economic development:

  • Structure: When considering the delivery of economic development services in our region, what has changed and what should we be doing differently to continually challenge ourselves to raise the bar and break down barriers?

  • Focus: We have to be laser focused, because our competition is. We need to understand how to meet the needs of existing businesses; the resources that are necessary to recruit new businesses; and how we can encourage entrepreneurs to choose the Charlotte region to implement their new ideas.

  • Space: Everything in economic development has a real estate component. In today’s competitive market, timelines for providing space with proper square footage, zoning, infrastructure, etc. is very tight. We need to have options for real estate that already meet the needs of potential businesses in order to be competitive with other regions.

If we can continue to understand these three principals and get them right, the Charlotte region will continue to attract the economic development we need to sustain our community and remain competitive for the long haul.

Why: Executing economic development as a single jurisdictional unit by itself is a setup for failure. By combining the resources of the various jurisdictions within the 12 North Carolina and 4 South Carolina counties that comprise the Charlotte region, we can gain an advantage in competing against other regions. The next evolution of economic development for Charlotte will be the creation of a Piedmont – Atlantic mega region, combining the resources of the Carolinas, Georgia, Virginia and parts of Alabama. This will allow the southeast to compete with the northeast and northwest where mega regions have already been formed to pool resources in attracting new business to larger regional footprints. We can no longer see Atlanta as our competition. 

Critical to the evolution of economic development is understanding the role that the evolution of the real estate landscape plays in supporting business development and retention. Mr. Bryant believes that the Charlotte region’s best years are ahead if we do not become complacent, but instead work together to ensure that the resources, including space in the form of appropriate real estate opportunities, are available as recruitment tools for attracting new investment in our region.

Business Imperative for Future Organizational Success

Who you missed: Valerie McMurray, Human Management Consultant and Board Certified Executive Coach with the NorthStar Consulting Group. Valerie has dual Masters of Science in Organization Develpment and Executive Coaching from McColl School of Business at Queens University. She is an Associate Certified Coach through the International Coach Federation and Board Certified Coach through the Center for Credentialing and Education. She has been trained/certified in a variety of assessment and leadership programs including Myers Briggs Type Instrument, FIRO-B, Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument, WorkPlace Big Five Profile, MSCEIT, Gallup, DISC, CareerLeader, Servant Leadership, Staub Leadership, and Wilson Learning Systems.


What you missed: If you missed our last CREW luncheon, you missed an excellent presentation by Valerie McMurray entitled “Business Imperative for Future Organizational Success”.

McMurray explored statistics/findings regarding women in the workplace and their overall economic power. Studies have shown that companies with a higher percentage of women at the top benefit from the following results:

– Neutralization of the group think phenomenon

– Increase in new ideas

– More & better innovations

– Enhanced company reputation

– Well balanced approach to all aspects of the business

Studies have also revealed that women are the breadwinners in 40% of US homes, control 80% of consumer spending, and that achieving greater gender parity would increase the national GDP by 12% by 2030.

Why: McMurray concluded by sharing the following “Top 5 Women Executive Success Factors”:

– Lifelong Learning

– Self Awareness & Openness to Feedback

– Effective Communication Skills

– Being a Risk Taker

– Building Strong Relationships