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Jones Lang Lasalle Is Now Calling Itself JLL.
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Jones Lang Lasalle Is Now Calling Itself JLL.

Jones Lang Lasalle Is Now Calling Itself JLL.

Jones Lang LaSalle is now calling itself JLL.

Our name and logo reflect our evolution as a global company. We now serve and work alongside clients in an ever-wider range of markets and cultures.

We made the move to JLL because the name is easy to say, easy to understand, more visible and more memorable. It suits our vision for the future of our business and how we can better serve your needs. And the fact that so many people already refer to us as JLL makes it a natural choice.

Our name may be different, but what remains constant are our core business values-client service, teamwork and the highest ethical standards-and how we put them to work for you.

Wherever we work, you can count on JLL to deliver real value in all we do.

For more information, please click here.