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Mentor Program

CREW Charlotte’s mission is to influence the success of the commercial real estate industry by advancing the achievements of its members. CREW Charlotte helps implement this by providing a mentor program. This 12 month mentor program aims to support aspiring CREW members and sponsors as well as experts in the industry wanting to give back.


The model is basic – pairing both a mentee and seasoned real estate professional’s unique capabilities, goals, and strengths with one another. CREW members and sponsors are eligible for both mentor and mentee opportunities.   CREW Charlotte will assign a CREW member, called a Mentor Champion, to support each relationship’s progress and success by being a resource.


Success in today’s commercial real estate environment demands innovation and strategic thinking, balanced with action born from experience and hard work. Our members recognize that it takes skill to navigate a successful career in an industry where women are a visible minority.


Who can apply?

As a CREW member or sponsor, you can apply to become a mentor or a mentee. To participate as a mentee, you must be an active CREW member or work for a sponsor company. Non-CREW members can serve as mentors to allow maximum pairing of unique mentee needs.


What is the time commitment?

The Mentor Program requires a time commitment of 12 months. During this time period, the mentor and mentee will set up a mutually agreed-upon communication timeline. This timeline is a requirement that the pairing speak at least once per month, with six of these engagements being in person.


How do I apply?

Click here to fill out the CREW Charlotte 2025 Mentee Application

Click here to fill out the CREW Charlotte 2025 Mentor Application


What will I have to guide me through the process?

CREW Charlotte will provide each pairing with a Mentor Program Handbook. This will serve as a basis to establish an understanding of goals, expectations, mutual communication timeline, and background information about each person. Based on the agreed-upon focus of each pairing, more tailored resources will be provided.


What will the Mentor Champion do?

This person will review the initial handbook to be sure all items are addressed. They will then meet with the mentor and mentee at the 6-month mark to review the relationship. She or he will also check in on each person periodically to receive feedback.

Suggested Resources

For a complete list of suggested reading, please click here.

Diamond Sponsors

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