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Opportunity at the Local Level

Thank you for your interest in CREW Charlotte. Our goal is to become the most influential, powerful and well respected leaders in the Commercial Real Estate Industry. We look forward to discussing your sponsorship of our Charlotte Chapter.

Download Sponsorship Form

Network with senior level decision makers – membership makeup includes 12% law, 19% brokerage/real estate/development and property management, 27% design and construction, 16% accounting/finance, 5% title/insurance, and 21% related industries.

Establish Relationships and gain referrals – network with over 300 active local members.

Broaden Recognition of your company – over 180 attendees on average at monthly meetings.

Build Loyalty in a highly prized target market – CREW referrals help get deals done.


Access to a National Network

Increase business opportunities.

Network’s recent annual survey of members indicated that more than 75% of members have received or given a referral to or from another member.

Position your company as a leader in diversity and the advancement of women in commercial real estate.

Gain Exposure to over 12,000 commercial real estate professionals in more than 80 major markets globally.

  • CREW members average 14 years of commercial real estate experience.
  • More than 70% are presidents, CEOs, partners or senior managers of their companies.


Please return the Sponsorship Form and payment to:

Executive Director
CREW Charlotte, Inc.
P.O Box 36692
Charlotte, NC 28236

Diamond Sponsors




 Platinum Sponsors