Julia Campbell featured on The Entrepeneur Exchange podcast of “Do Nots of Business”
Julia Campbell of Campbell Design is featured on the newest episode of The Entrepreneur Exchange podcast! The topic of this episode is; “What NOT to do in Business”. The episode covers a dirty dozen of faux pas people make in business settings.
Julia Campbell of Campbell Design is featured on the newest episode of The Entrepreneur Exchange podcast! The topic of this episode is; “What NOT to do in Business”. The episode covers a dirty dozen of faux pas people make in business settings.
The Entrepreneur Exchange podcast is hosted by Jeff Neuville and Gary Muller, and is;
“A lively conversation between small business owners, entrepreneurs, and business
experts sharing tools and tips to assist new businesses get up and running and existing small business grow and prosper in this challenging economy.”
Ray and Julia Campbell share their anecdotes on what you should never do in business. From having one too many drinks at a company event, to not signing your emails, these are just a couple of the “Do Nots of Business” discussed on the episode. Do not miss this episode! It will be available August 1, 2022. You can find the podcast online at the link:
“The DO NOT’s of Business” with Julia and Ray Campbell, Campbell Design
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