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How to Use CREWbiz & CREW Network
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How to Use CREWbiz & CREW Network

How to Use CREWbiz & CREW Network




CREW Network’s Career Center provides access to careers and employers across all sectors and levels of commercial real estate. Create a job seeker account to post your résumé, receive job alerts and tap into valuable career resources at Career Center.



You can also post that you are looking for a new position in Open Forum Discussion on CREWbiz.


CREWbiz is the premier resource and referral tool for commercial real estate professionals. It provides a platform to interact and communicate online and via email to facilitate business networking, job sourcing/searching and deal making among CREW Network’s multidisciplinary membership.

Members can search the membership directory across locations, commercial real estate specialties, certifications and more; and join discussion groups to exchange ideas, experience, knowledge and wisdom with fellow professionals around the globe.


Below are some direct links that may be helpful in navigating through CREWbiz and increasing your visibility to fellow CREW members.


Career Center – FIND A JOB


Follow Discussions

Start a Discussion

Job Seekers – OVERVIEW

Job Seekers – JOBS

Your Profile

Increase Your Profile’s Visibility

Upload Your Resume

Career Center Resources – Coaching, Resume Writing

CREWBiz App – Download Today


CREWBiz FAQs – General information

Q: What is my username/password?

A: Your CREWbiz login credentials are the same username and password that you use to log in to this site. If you have forgotten your login credentials or need assistance with your login information, contact CREW Network headquarters at +1 (785) 832-1808 or

Q: How do I update my contact information?

A: While on your CREWbiz profile page, select the pencil icon next to “Contact Details” in the left column. This will take you to your My Account page on the CREW Network public website. Changes will appear on your CREWbiz profile within 30 minutes of saving.

Q: Can I control the frequency of emails I receive?

A: While on your CREWbiz profile page click on the “My Account” tab. Choose “Community Notifications” from the drop-down menu. On that page, there are subscription options for each discussion. Your options are:

Real Time: sends an email every time a message is posted.
Daily Digest: sends one email to you each day, consolidating all of the posts from the previous day.
No Email: allows you to be part of the group without having emails sent to you. You can still post and read others’ messages by logging into the community site.

Q: How do I find other members?

A: While on the CREWbiz Community, click the “Directories” dropdown found in the main navigation bar. Then click on “Member Directory”. The member directory lets you search for other members based on name/company/specialty/location, etc…

Q: Why should I add contacts to my contact list?

A: Creating this virtual address book makes it easy to send your contacts messages through the community site to stay in touch, ask questions or even build a referral network. Additionally, when you view another member’s profile, you’ll be able to see any contacts you have in common. You can also choose to let your contacts view certain demographics in your profile that others can’t.

Q: How do I respond to others’ posts?

A: To respond to a discussion post, navigate to the discussion post and click “Reply to Discussion” to send your message to the entire community. To send a message toa the only author of the post, please send them an email.  We recommend emaling the sender directly for simple comments like “thanks” or “me, too” that add little value to the overall discussion; and replying to the entire community when you are sharing knowledge, experience or resources that others could benefit from.

Q: How do I start a new discussion thread?

A: While on the CREWbiz Community, click the “Participate” dropdown found in the main navagaion bar. Then click “Post a Message.” You can also use the “Post Message” link located at the top of every community notification email.

Q: Can I see a list of all posts to the Open Forum?

A: While on the CREWbiz Community, click the “Participate” dropdown found in the main navagaion bar. Then click “Browse Discussion Posts.” If you see a post you’re interested in, click the subject line which will take you to the entire thread.



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