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Six Crew Charlotte Members Named As Mecklenburg Times 50 Most Influential Women
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Six Crew Charlotte Members Named As Mecklenburg Times 50 Most Influential Women

Six Crew Charlotte Members Named As Mecklenburg Times 50 Most Influential Women

CREW’s Leadership Development Committee supports its outstanding members through nomination in the  region’s premier industry awards.  This year CREW is pleased to announce that 6 CREW members have been named as The Mecklenburg Times 50 Most Influential Women.   The Mecklenburg Times is a gold sponsor of CREW and we appreciate the opportunity to partner with them on this event. A  black tie celebration will take place to honor this year’s recipients on Friday May 31st. 
You can find more information on the event at  

Our CREW member winners are:

Liz Etheredge, Mecklenburg Paint Company
Lisa Fry, Cassidy Turley
Kati HynesThe Charlotte Chamber of Commerce
Marie McLucas, Primax Properties
Cheryl Steele, Horack Talley
Cindy Wolfe, Bank of the Ozarks