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Receiver / Sr. Property Manager – Childress Klein
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Receiver / Sr. Property Manager – Childress Klein

Receiver / Sr. Property Manager – Childress Klein

Company Name: Childress Klein


Childress Klein is seeking an Assistant Property Manager for 301 College Center, this role is pivotal in supporting building operation management and tenant services. With a Bachelor’s degree in real estate, business, or related fields, and one to five years of commercial real estate experience, the ideal candidate will excel in day-to-day operations, vendor services, and tenant relations. Proficiency in financial administration, tenant communication, and technological tools like Microsoft Office Suite and Yardi accounting software are essential for success in this role.

The Assistant Property Manager will contribute to the property’s integrity by ensuring compliance with state regulatory codes, conducting routine evaluations, and managing service vendors efficiently. Strong interpersonal skills and attention to detail will be critical in fostering tenant relations, coordinating amenity spaces, and resolving issues promptly. This role demands professionalism, adaptability to varied physical demands, and a proactive approach to problem-solving, making it an ideal opportunity for a candidate with a passion for commercial real estate management.

Come join our company and building team to learn from other real estate professionals and grow your career in commercial real estate. Apply on-line at