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Carrie Sharp

ndoff Commercial Interiors
Thank you to Holly Alexander of New South Properties of the Carolinas for referring me to her heavy equipment dealer. I am so glad we are going to be able to help them out. It should be the beginning of an on-going relationship.

Keiko Pace

Stephens Office
Thank you to Barbara Briccotto, with the Intec Group, for introducing me to a new client. Enjoyed connecting with you the other day and the referral! 🙂

David Rushing

All American Relocation
Kim Marks is on fire! Thank you again for allowing All American to assist with an upcoming move! Three opportunities and two deals since March, making deals through COVID, thanks Kim!!

Stacia Neugent

GreerWalker LLP

Thanks to Marie McLucas for the new tax work this past busy season – truly enjoy working with the whole Primax Properties team!

Carrie Sharp

Indoff Commercial Interiors

Thank you to Sara Whitten of Shiel Sexton for connecting me with one of their Project Managers. Bill helped us develop solutions for one of our client’s HVAC needs. Very professional and excellent follow-up work.

Sallie Jarosz

NewDominion Bank

Thank you to Marie McLucas for closing business with NewDominion Bank. We value the partnership and look forward to closing more business in the near future!

Shawn McMillan

McMillan PLLC

Thank you to Elsa Simaan, Senior Business Development Officer with Stewart Title for her recent referrals. We appreciate how Stewart Title serves our clients and we appreciate Elsa’s support of our firm!

Robin Haddock

RLH Development, LLC

Carrie Sharp with Indoff recently helped me with furnishings and decor at two affordable housing developments for seniors. The properties both look beautiful and Carrie put so much thought and creativity into her work. It was wonderful working with her and seeing how much she cares about creating a nice home for the residents that will live in those communities. Thank you, Carrie!!!!

Debra Eicher

Baker Audio Visual

Thanks to Catherine Noyes at Gresham Smith for the introduction to your Nashville Team. I heard we had a great meeting today, and it looks like the start of something good!