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Nancy Olah Thanks Stacia Neugent with GreerWalker!

Many thanks to Stacia Neugent for helping one of my former students land his first real job in accounting!

Landing your first job out of college is never easy. I reached out to Stacia Neugent (GreerWalker LLP) a few weeks ago to see if she could help Ian Nevillle (one of my former mock trial students who is now a USC grad), who was seeking an entry level position in accounting or finance. Stacia promptly responded and arranged an interview for Ian with GreerWalker. I was delighted to learn yesterday that Ian has accepted an offer from GreerWalker. Many thanks, Stacia, for helping Ian on his first step in what I know will be a long and productive career!

Thank you to Janeen Miller-Hogue

I’d like to thank Janeen Miller-Hogue (The Miller-Hogue Law Firm) for helping one of my clients on a transaction that I wasn’t able to handle. Many thanks, Janeen! Your quick response was so appreciated! – Nancy Olah


Nancy Olah – Helping other members is the essence of being a CREW member

I’d like to convey a special thanks to Shawn McMillan (McMillan PLLC) for helping me with two recent transactions in Charleston that were very time intensive and had begun to interfere with commitments I’d made to other clients.

Being a CREW member is all about collegiality and helping out other CREW members. I’d like to convey a special thanks to Shawn McMillan (McMillan PLLC) for helping me with two recent transactions in Charleston that were very time intensive and had begun to interfere with commitments I’d made to other clients. Shawn was able to enlist the support of Amber Westerduin, one of his associates who is a CREW Charleston member, to take over for me on both matters. It’s never easy to admit you need assistance, but I was most grateful to Shawn and Amber for the way we were jointly able to transition the responsibility for these matters in a smooth and professional manner that was seamless to the client.