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January 2022 Luncheon “What to Start, Stop, Continue, and Learn in 2022”
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January 2022 Luncheon “What to Start, Stop, Continue, and Learn in 2022”

January 2022 Luncheon “What to Start, Stop, Continue, and Learn in 2022”

Submitted by Jaren Wells, Gensler

Our very own CREW Charlotte board member, Victoria Taylor, Esq, Director, Development & Diversity, Womble Bond Dickinson, shared with us an inspiring message based on her recent study “What to Start-Stop, Continue and Learn in 2022”. Opening with an amazing historical story about Amelia Earhart (this day in history, Jan 11, 1935), to sharing take-away from (3) forms of inspiration, Victoria motivated us with a Kick-Start for 2022.


The first Inspiration message was from the podcast “Dare to Lead”, Brene brown interviews America Ferrera. How do we manage others’ expectations? Focus on your whole self, so you can be the best human being and leader you can be. There is power in integration and wholeness. Instead of being overwhelmed, take baby steps.


From the article by, “Things Wharton Psychologist Adam Grant Wants You to Rethink in 2022”, Victoria shared that some of your assumptions could be wrong. How well can people learn to do a job? Not, how well you have been doing your job. It’s important to rest, even for a little at the right time, in order to kick-start your productivity. Use writing to think about your own thoughts. The quickest path to sharper thinking is frequent writing. In order to open other people’s minds to rethink their assumptions, engage them in a motivational interview. Spend time with those that disagree with you, but that you respect. Intellectual chemistry and innovative thinking can open your mind.


Lastly, Pastor Clifford Jones’ recent sermon from Jan 9, 2022, entitled “Not yet,…yet”, there is still work we have to do. It’s not time to move on yet. Self-care and rest plays into our lives so we can keep the energy going. Cultural Competence can be gained by using story-telling to learn something new. Get to know others by sharing something about yourself. By doing this, and listening with empathy, we can change lives and perspectives.


Victoria closed with this thought to consider, “What can we learn differently this year, in 2022”?

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