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Janeen Miller-hogue Honored
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Janeen Miller-hogue Honored

Janeen Miller-hogue Honored

Congratulations to Janeen Miller-Hogue, Miller-Hogue Law Firm, on receiving the Mecklenburg Times 50 Most Influential Women in 2011!  The third annual “50 Most Influential Women” awards dinner and presentation will recognize the important role women play in the local economy. The honorees represent the most influential women in business, government, education, and the not-for-profit fields, and are selected by a panel of business leaders based on professional accomplishment and community involvement. The awards ceremony will be held Friday, May 6th at 6:30pm at the Westin..  Janeen is the Founder/President of The Miller-Hogue Law Firm, P.C., a CREW Charlotte Sponsor, Member and current Co-Chair of Sponsorship Committee.