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Hart & Hickman – Providing Smarter Environmental Solutions for 20 Years
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Hart & Hickman – Providing Smarter Environmental Solutions for 20 Years

Hart & Hickman – Providing Smarter Environmental Solutions for 20 Years

Charlotte, N.C. (September 22, 2015) – "There have been many defining moments over the years – and achieving 20 years of growth and success is one of them," said Bruce Hickman, one of the founding principals at Hart & Hickman, PC.

This month, Hart & Hickman celebrates their 20th anniversary of providing unrivaled environmental consulting expertise. "Unrivaled" may be a bold statement, but when you dive into the qualities thatearned them recognition by the Charlotte Business Journal as Charlotte's #1 environmental consulting firm, "unrivaled" makes sense.

Enduring client partnerships is the primary quality that Steve Hart credits for the firm's success."With every project we do, we are focused on providing Smarter Environmental Solutions", says Hart, "Because we know what the regulators are looking for and we have the talent to nail down the underlying science, we can clean up a contaminated site or help a client achieve environmental compliance, for a lot less money." 

To read the full press release, please click here.