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FORTUNE has named Kimley-Horn to the top 100 Best Companies to Work For for the 13th time!
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FORTUNE has named Kimley-Horn to the top 100 Best Companies to Work For for the 13th time!

FORTUNE has named Kimley-Horn to the top 100 Best Companies to Work For for the 13th time!

One of just 12 companies on the list that pay for 100% of employee health care costs, this engineering and design consultancy leverages a tradition of rewarding new hires as much as 20-year veterans with profit sharing and new opportunities. Some examples include generous year-end bonuses (in 2018, 89% of staff received a minimum bonus of one month’s pay), an in-house MBA-like training program and Red Envelope Day (surprise bonuses or gift cards all around), and Teamwork Awards (on-the-spot $50 rewards for hard work). “There is a strong emphasis on making this your workplace for the remainder of your career,” says one employee.

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