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Events for May 7, 2024
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CREW Charlotte Signature Luncheon with Dominique Dawes

The Revelry 701 Keswick Ave #110, Charlotte

Dominque Dawes Three-Time Olympian and Hall of Fame Gymnast   Success Is a Journey, Not a Destination Dominique Dawes won Olympic gold. But for her, success is so much more than medals and accolades: it’s something she worked hard to achieve everyday en route to Olympic glory. Her journey in the sport of gymnastics lasted 18 years and in those years, she stood strong on numerous podiums, leaving lasting impressions in the hearts of fans. The podium was the destination, but the long-term goal? It’s the moments in between—what she calls the “journey”—that helped her realize the success that she was always striving for. Overcoming the inevitable obstacles, challenges, and doubts are the moments in the journey that build the champion in Dawes. Surrounding herself with the right team, developing the mindset to persevere and turning negative situations into life lessons is how Dawes realized Success Is a Journey, NOT a Destination.   Bio Owner of the Dominique Dawes Gymnastics & Ninja Academies, Dominique opened the gyms to continue her commitment to developing a healthy and compassionate culture in the sport of gymnastics. Her first academy opened in the midst of a global pandemic, July 2020 and her second location opened in 2023. Dawes also holds minority ownership of the Washington Spirit of the National Women's Soccer League, and served as the co-chair of the President’s Council for Fitness, Sports and Nutrition under the Obama administration alongside Drew Brees. Alongside LeBron James and Maverick Carter, she recently served as Executive Producer of the Peacock docu-series “Golden”, the journey of USA’s elite gymnasts on the road to the Tokyo Olympics, which has been nominated for a Sports Emmy. Dawes holds her degree from the University of Maryland and was inducted into UMD's prestigious Hall of Fame in 2022. In 2023, her...