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Events for February 9, 2021
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CREW Charlotte’s February Luncheon – “The Color of Change” with Adrienne Bain


In the wake of tragic events in 2020 that sparked a national reckoning on race and systemic inequalities in the U.S., various industries took steps to improve diversity, equity and inclusion. Several CRE firms issued statements and signed pledges about addressing social injustices at their respective organizations. Courageous conversations ensued, but what, if anything, has changed? Join CREW Charlotte past president and current CREW Network board member Adrienne Bain as she discusses the color of change and addresses issues of access and awareness in the commercial real estate industry. Let’s keep the conversation going. Cost $15 for Members $35 for Guests *Cancellations accepted until 5:00 p.m. on February 4 Thank You to Our Sponsor