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CREW’s August Luncheon – Fireside Chat with Laura Mae Martin, Executive Productivity Advisor at Google
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CREW’s August Luncheon – Fireside Chat with Laura Mae Martin, Executive Productivity Advisor at Google

CREW’s August Luncheon – Fireside Chat with Laura Mae Martin, Executive Productivity Advisor at Google

Submitted by Julie Pruett, Marlboro Development Team

Laura Mae Martin, Executive Productivity Advisor at Google, joined CREW Charlotte to discuss her book UPTIME: A Practical Guide to Productivity and Wellbeing. Notably, she is one of the first women to author a productivity book, as the top 20 productivity books are predominantly written by men. During her talk, she shared several tips and tricks on how to accomplish more while maintaining well-being.

UPTIME is divided into five sections: “What to Do,” “When to Do It,” “Where to Do It,” “How to Do It Well,” and “How to Live Well While Doing It All.” Martin emphasized the importance of setting your Top 3 Priorities—both personal and professional—and revisiting those priorities every three months. She also discussed the value of saying no while preserving relationships, using strategies like “No, because…”, “No, but…”, asking more questions, or redirecting the request in a different way. Martin suggested imagining how your future self would feel in both “no” and “yes” scenarios to help make decisions.

Martin also highlighted the significance of recognizing your “low peak” hours, which are just as crucial as identifying your “Power Hours” when you are most productive. She explained that creativity often peaks during low-energy times, so it’s essential to align your tasks with your most productive and most creative periods to achieve your UPTIME.

Where you work is as important as what and when you work. Martin introduced the concept of creating “Hot Spots,” designated areas where you consistently perform specific tasks, and “Not Spots,” which are safe zones protected from work-related activities.

Additionally, Martin discussed the “list funnel” technique to manage all your to-do lists effectively, ways to overcome procrastination, how to theme your days, and strategies like using email “laundry baskets” to organize your inbox. She stressed the importance of caring for your “future self” by setting yourself up for future success and happiness.

Laura Mae Martin’s insights on productivity and well-being offer practical strategies for balancing work and life in a more intentional and effective way. Her book provides a comprehensive approach to managing tasks, priorities, and personal growth. Her innovative techniques empower readers to take control of their time, align their actions with their values, and ultimately, set themselves up for long-term success and fulfillment.


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