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CREW Charlotte’s December Virtual Luncheon: The Queen City’s Evolution: The CREW Years 1990-2020 with Tom Hanchett
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CREW Charlotte’s December Virtual Luncheon: The Queen City’s Evolution: The CREW Years 1990-2020 with Tom Hanchett

CREW Charlotte’s December Virtual Luncheon: The Queen City’s Evolution: The CREW Years 1990-2020 with Tom Hanchett

Thank you to historian Dr. Tom Hanchett for leading a fun and interactive presentation capturing the impact of women and CREW members over the last 30 years on Charlotte’s built environment to celebrate CREW Charlotte’s 30th anniversary!  Tom focused on four trends: Building Cultural Institutions, Leading in Education, Place-Making, and Housing Opportunity for All.  Thirty years ago, Charlotte was the 35th largest US city.  Today, we are the 15th largest city.  He highlighted Charlotte’s growth in the banking industry, entertainment and sports venues, new edge cities like Ballantyne, Blakeney, Ayrsley, etc.  He discussed our investment in infrastructure such as the airport and highways which led into growth in new museums and, educational and cultural institutions.  He took an in depth look at our efforts to help those in need and the force behind the new structures providing homes, support, and services.  We are grateful for the time and energy Tom put into showing us the massive influence women and CREW members have had on our Queen City and it’s continued ranking as the country’s most sought after home.

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