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Crew Charlotte Member Nancy L. Olah Presented Athena Leadership Award
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Crew Charlotte Member Nancy L. Olah Presented Athena Leadership Award

Crew Charlotte Member Nancy L. Olah Presented Athena Leadership Award

(October 14, 2013) The third annual ATHENA Leadership Awards Program of Charlotte awarded CREW Charlotte member, Nancy Olah, of Parker Poe, with the 2013 Leadership Award on October 3, 2013 at the Charlotte County Club.

Olah was selected for having achieved the highest level of professional excellence, contributing her time and energy to improving the quality of life for others in the Charlotte community, and for her active assistance in help others realize their full leadership potential.

“Nancy tirelessly gives of herself to the mentees she helps, as well as the organizations she is affiliated with. She is so deserving of this award and we are grateful to have her as an invested member of CREW Charlotte,” said CREW Charlotte President, Barbara Briccotto, INTEC Group, Inc.

To read the full announcement, please click here