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CREW Charlotte Announces 2024 Impact Award Winners
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CREW Charlotte Announces 2024 Impact Award Winners

CREW Charlotte Announces 2024 Impact Award Winners

CREW Charlotte announces the 2024 winners of the annual Impact Awards which honor members and projects that have a meaningful impact on the Charlotte area community and CREW Charlotte.

Impact Award Honorees

Emerging Leaders – Hannah Breed, Urban Design Partners
Carrie Sharp Power Connector – Barbara Briccotto, Progressive Companies
Career Advancement for Women – Mary Wilken, Insite Properties
Entrepreneurial Spirit – Ashley Cooper and Caitlin McCain, Cooper + McCain
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion – Allison Simpson, Primax Properties
Community Project Impact – for profit – Crescent Communities and Nuveen Real Estate for One Independence Center
Community Project Impact – non profit – The Ella B. Scarborough Community Resource Center
Creative Design – LS3P for Ten30 Corporate Campus
Circle of Excellence – Nancy Olah, Nancy Olah Law


Hannah Breed with Urban Design Partners was selected for the Emerging Leader Award.  The Emerging Leader Award honors a CREW Charlotte member that embodies excellence, spirit and energy in the field of Commercial Real Estate and the CREW Charlotte Chapter.

Barbara Briccotto with Progressive Companies was awarded The Carrie Sharp Power Connector Award. This award honors a CREW Charlotte member that goes above and beyond networking to actively establish or strengthen relationships with fellow CREW members and sponsors by intentionally connecting members and sponsors to other members and sponsors through business and referral generation.

Mary Wilken, COO at Insite Properties, is the 2024 recipient of The Career Advancement for Women Award. This award honors a CREW Charlotte member who consistently exemplifies CREW Charlotte’s commitment to elevating the status of women in commercial real estate by working to advance the careers of other women. This award is presented to an individual that has had significant impact on one or more women, giving them the skills or confidence to pursue and succeed in new opportunities.

Ashley Cooper & Caitlin McCain, co-founders of Cooper + McCain, are the joint winners of The Entrepreneurial Spirit Award.  This award honors CREW Charlotte members who achieve a unique career success or milestone as the result of an exceptional entrepreneurial spirit. Often risk takers, they are willing to step outside the box to create something new or different – providing services, creating products, or improving practices by innovatively organizing, developing, or deploying resources either within their own company, as part of a larger organization their industry or community.

Allison Simpson with Primax Properties was selected for the DEI Impact Award. This award honors a CREW Charlotte member who tirelessly helps to advance the organization’s goals to increase diversity, equity and inclusion in membership and leadership.

Crescent Communities and Nuveen Real Estate’s development of One Independence Center is the unanimous winner of The Community Project Impact Award -for Profit. This award honors a building or project that positively affects not only its inhabitants, but the surrounding community. The winner of this award exemplifies meaningful change in our city in the physical space, whether it is a development with great green space or a building that services those in need in our community.

The recently completed Ella B. Scarborough Community Resource Center is the winner of the CREW Charlotte Community Project Impact Award – non-profit.  This award honors a building or project that positively affects, not only its inhabitants, but the community surrounding it. The winner of this award exemplifies meaningful change in our community in the physical space on the non-profit side.

The Creative Design Award winner for 2024 is LS3P for Ten30 Corporate Campus.  Creative design of a building comes in many forms, including exterior architecture, interior design, art, branding, and furnishings. How a space is designed immediately impacts people and their experience. This award goes to the project that inspires the world around it and moves the needle in creativity. Ten30 was developed by Centene with design serviced provided by LS3P. This new 80-acre campus paves the way for the next generation of offices focused on top-tier recruiting, retention, and agile operations. The campus development includes approximately one million SF of office space within two office buildings with dining, café, fitness facilities, and clinic amenities.

The site orientation creates contiguous clusters of buildings in an east/west orientation wrapping a water feature which serves as a central activity hub. The exterior prioritizes transparency to create a sense of “working in a treehouse.” Vertical façade elements abstract a tree’s trunks and branches. Inside, the awe-inspiring entry lobby atriums act as the buildings’ primary organizational element and serves as the central and most significant collaboration space. “Treehouse” meeting space experiences scattered throughout the buildings provide unique collaboration opportunities as people rise through the buildings on monumental open staircases.

Nancy Olah, founder of Nancy Olah Law is the winner of The Circle of Excellence Award. This award recognizes a CREW Charlotte member or sponsor who consistently delivers excellence and whose efforts advance the commercial real estate industry and support our mission. This individual sets and achieves the highest standards of performance, accomplishing superior execution and results. The award winner is trusted and respected by others, and is seen as a thought leader, change agent, and champion of diversity.



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