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CHARLOTTE-BASED Firm Names CHENEY AS New Co-Managing Partner
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CHARLOTTE-BASED Firm Names CHENEY AS New Co-Managing Partner

CHARLOTTE-BASED Firm Names CHENEY AS New Co-Managing Partner

Charlotte, June 2, 2016 – Hamilton Stephens Steele + Martin, PLLC (HSSM) has named a new co-managing Partner, Becky Cheney, to help lead the firm into the future.

The firm elected Becky Cheney to serve alongside George Sistrunk as the firm’s co-managing partner.  Cheney takes on the role that David Hamilton, firm founder, filled previously. She will play a key role in the firm’s operations and management functions.  Cheney has been a partner with the firm for the past 8 years, previously serving as counsel for Charlotte Douglas International Airport.  

To read the full press release, please click here.