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Bank of the Ozarks Announces Proposed Rebranding and Name Change to Bank OZK
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Bank of the Ozarks Announces Proposed Rebranding and Name Change to Bank OZK

Bank of the Ozarks Announces Proposed Rebranding and Name Change to Bank OZK

Bank of the Ozarks Announces Proposed Rebranding and Name Change to Bank OZK

Company Release – 3/15/2018 4:30 PM ET

LITTLE ROCK, Ark.–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Bank of the Ozarks (the “Bank”) (NASDAQ: OZRK) announced today that it intends to change its name to Bank OZK as part of a strategic rebranding. The Bank proposed the name change in its proxy materials for the 2018 annual meeting of shareholders to be held on May 7, 2018. The Bank’s shareholders will vote on the proposal at the annual meeting.

The Bank’s presence and brand have evolved in recent decades from an Arkansas community bank into a much larger regional bank with nationwide lending businesses. The Bank believes the new name will be beneficial in achieving its long-term objectives, including continued growth and expansion in new markets.

To read the full press release, please click here.