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Student Outreach

Student Outreach is a dynamic group focused on CREW Careers and UCREW that educate women and girls about the career opportunities in the industry; supporting CRE higher education and training through college scholarships, internships and job shadowing; and providing mentorships to those new to the industry.


UCREW University Outreach:


  • University CREW (UCREW) was originally created by the CREW Network University Task Force in 2006. UCREW’s focus is to introduce college students to career opportunities in commercial real estate.
  • CREW Charlotte’s fundraising efforts have raised over $160,000 since 2004.
  • Our committee offers help in job shadowing placements for students as well as connecting students to CREW Member organizations who offer summer internships


CREW Careers:


  • CREW Careers™ is a community outreach initiative that supports the philanthropic objectives and core values of CREW Charlotte and CREW Network Foundation. The CREW Careers™ platform offers young women exposure to exciting and rewarding careers in commercial real estate.


CREW Network Foundation, the philanthropic arm of CREW Network, is the only charitable foundation solely dedicated to advancing women in the commercial real estate industry. CREW Network Foundation is committed to bringing more women into commercial real estate by offering programs like CREW Careers and UCREW that educate women and girls about the career opportunities in the industry; supporting CRE higher education and training through college scholarships and internships; and providing mentorships to those new to the industry.


Why CREW Charlotte supports CREW Network Foundation


CREW Network Foundation is the only foundation dedicating its resources solely towards advancing women in the commercial real estate industry. In collaboration with CREW Network, CREW Network Foundation supports the Network’s career outreach agenda, which cultivates female leaders in the industry through participation in a continuum of educational outreach, as well as scholarship and mentoring programs. This continuum introduces female high school students to the commercial real estate industry, while connecting female college students and entry-level career women to the resources, support and network they need to obtain successful careers in the commercial real estate industry.


Your donations support the overall mission of advancing women in the commercial real estate industry:


  • Programs that introduce young girls to the ideas of careers in commercial real estate
  • Scholarships for women seeking educations that lead to careers in commercial real estate
  • eMentoring to support women in the early stages of their careers to encourage retention and success
  • Research that measures the advancement of women in the industry and impacts business practices to insure women have access to the same opportunities as men
  • White papers that address industry and career issues critical to the advancement of women. Please reach out to the committee co-chairs if you are interested in job shadow or internship opporutnities.

Diamond Sponsors

Platinum Sponsors