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Member Recognition
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Member Recognition

CREW Charlotte’s core values revolve around creating opportunities to advance and empower women; quality and integrity in business and professional relationship; dynamic leadership; and passionate commitment to mutual assistance in our community. The CREW Charlotte’s Member Recognition committee wants to acknowledge our member’s efforts who support our core goals and advance the achievements of women in the commercial real estate industry.


The committee holds responsibility for providing a transparent, neutral and objective process for selection criteria and review of candidates eligible for annually predefined awards and recognition programs. We encourage members to nominate active CREW members or sponsors who meet the qualifications of various awards in our community and industry.


Our committee goal is to provide our CREW members with awareness of upcoming awards and nominations. Please click here for a list of upcoming awards and nominations.


Are you an expert in your field?  If so, please complete our brief questionnaire and we will add you to our database for panels, media interviews and more.


MRC 2022 Award Recipients

Diamond Sponsors

Platinum Sponsors