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Leadership Program
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Leadership Program

This powerful leadership program will guide its fourth class of professional women on an intensive journey through self-discovery, arming them with tools to achieve their full authentic leadership potential.  Using Gallup’s CliftonStrengths™  assessment, this dynamic program will teach participants how to understand and use their strengths, develop their own authentic leadership styles, refine their personal and professional visions, and cultivate their full leadership potential.


Led by our Program Director, Dr. Dawn E. Chanland, this unique program has been specifically designed for transparent and honest leadership, and will include a targeted focus on:


Clarity of Authentic Self
Manage Conflict and Negotiation
Coach and Mentor
Navigate Workplace Challenges and Opportunities
Leadership Ability and Knowledge
Personal Change, Courage, and Resilience


Dr. Dawn E. Chanland, Program Director

Dr. Dawn E. Chanland is a recognized authority on women’s leadership, mentoring and coaching, negotiation, conflict management and other areas in management.  She is a frequent public speaker in these areas.  Dr. Chanland has over 25 years of experience in business, consulting and academic experience and has received over 10 teaching and research awards since the beginning of her academic career.  Dr. Chanland currently teaches undergraduate, graduate and executive courses in the McColl School of Business, and actively consults with and conducts leadership development initiatives for numerous for-profit and non-profit organizations and government agencies.


Leadership Program Brochure – 2025-2026
Leadership Program Application- 2025-2026

Learn more about our program and what it meant for previous participants by watching the videos below.


Developing your leadership potential

What does becoming an authentic leader mean?

Why you need to become an authentic leader?

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