CREW Charlotte New Member Breakfast – Spring 2025
Choate Construction 2907 Providence Road, CharlotteDid you join CREW Charlotte in the last six months? Or have you been a member for a while and need a refresher on CREW Charlotte and all it has to offer? Please join your fellow CREW members for a New Member Breakfast. Meet members of CREW Charlotte’s Leadership Team and representatives from our many CREW committees to see how you can get involved! We will begin with a light breakfast during a welcome and brief overview of our CREW organization. This will be followed by informal networking and assistance with getting each of you established on the CREWBiz website. If possible, please bring your laptops/tablets or install the CREWbiz app to your phone prior to attending along with your CREWbiz user name and password. Complimentary parking is available. We are excited to have you as a new member and we look forward to getting to know each of you!