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Bob Bowman
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Bob Bowman

Bob Bowman

Commercial Works, Inc.

Carrie Sharp with Indoff Commercial Interiors has been a HUGE support to me BOTH on a personal AND on a professional level. Since my returning to Commercial Works Moving & Storage (after a decade removed) Carrie has undeniably been the one that has the most positive impact on me via her consistently positive & infectious personality. Carrie’s belief in what Commercial Works Moving & Storage & I together bring to the plate in this wonderful town of opportunity has been incredible, actually priceless (as they say). Her multiple referrals & warm introductions to not only potential clients but, to other CREW members as learn whom everyone is in my first year with CREW has been MORE THAN I COULD ASK FOR, Thank you Carrie. I now KNOW why there is an annual Impact Award in your name, YOU ARE THE BOMB CARRIE