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2017 CREW Charlotte Excellence Awards with Molly Grantham
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2017 CREW Charlotte Excellence Awards with Molly Grantham

2017 CREW Charlotte Excellence Awards with Molly Grantham

Submitted by Robin Haddock

CREW Charlotte celebrated the accomplishments of the organization and its members at the final luncheon of the year on December 12. As a special treat this year, Molly Grantham, Emmy-winning news anchor and investigative reporter with WBTV, emceed the awards ceremony. Molly also shared about her struggle to find a healthy balance between personal and professional life, the topic of her recently published book “Small Victories: The Off-Camera Life of an On-Camera Mom.” 

Small Victories: The Off-Camera Life of an On-Camera Mom is more than just parenting. Yes, it’s the endless exhaustion of changing diapers, how breastfeeding isn’t always what people say it’s cracked up to be, inappropriate fashion choices from a 6-year-old daughter, posts about a son’s helmet therapy, disastrous moments when beloved stuffed toys go missing, and travel horrors when kids go nuclear on an airplane… but the book has life lessons that can apply to any woman juggling so many balls in life, she simply misses herself.”

You can get it on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Park Road Books… or on

President Jessica Rossi then joined Molly on stage to present awards to deserving CREW Charlotte members who have significantly contributed to promoting women in leadership in the Commercial Real Estate Industry.  And the winners are:

Rising Star – Angie Beard of Studio Fusion

Networker of the Year – Robin Turner of O’Leary Group Waste

Outreach Award – Adrienne Bain of Citizens Bank

Member of the Year – Ryan Ramey of Lincoln Harris

Presidents Choice – Molly Carroll of Trinity Partners

Deal of the Year – For their work on the Bank of the Ozarks Harrisburg bank branch, Cindy Wolfe of Bank of the Ozarks and her team of CREW Charlotte members, Wanda Townsend formerly with Johnston Allison and Hord, Kelly Ashman with Morehead Title, Kim Marks with Progressive AE (formerly ai Design Group), Amy Massey with Kimley Horn, Melissa Oliver with Land Design, and Holly Alexander with New South Properties.

And new in 2017, Men Empowering Women – Mike Schrum of Terracon Consultants, Inc.

Congratulations to all our deserving 2017 award recipients!