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“New Year, New You?”
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“New Year, New You?”

“New Year, New You?”

Submitted by Sara Whitten with Shiel Sexton

On January 14, 2020 Dr. Dawn E. Chanland, Professor of Management, Queens University of Charlotte, kicked off the 2020 CREW monthly luncheons with a presentation on “Personal Change Strategies to Maximize Your Impact in 2020.”

40-60% of people set resolutions at New Year, only 8% achieve them. Change is daunting and you need to diagnose your demons! How can we make change stick and gain maximum impact? You must care about the change you want to make. You must strongly value it and do it differently than you did before. Make small but meaningful behavioral changes:

  • do some sit-ups at night
  • do arm weights 3 or 4 times a week
  • say no to sweets…sometimes!

Write down your goals and tell your people; they will hold you accountable. Pick someone who you can be vulnerable with; who is your “person”?! We change when we strongly care about the change and when we value ourselves. However, don’t have too many goals – achieve them one at a time and say “no” to more. Do Less, Then Obsess.  Wield a Razor on Unnecessary Stuff. What will I look like if I’m at my very best?

How committed are you to this change in 2020?